
This is a test page to explore different options for syndicating content from cIRcle onto UBC websites.

A basic way to do this would be an extremely simple feed, like this:


Another way to provide this information is by placing a Section widget into the Utility-After Content widget.  Then, simply place a shortcode in that Section to enable the feed.  Would you like more information on CMS shortcodes or the feed shortcode in particular?

NOTE:  if you don’t use the Section widget, your After Content feed will be visible from every page.

The results should appear at the bottom of this page.  (Be careful of typos).



a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Faculty of Mechanics
1234 W 0th Avenue,
Vancouver, BC, Z3Z 3Z3, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
Office of Template Cases
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Vancouver, BC, Z3Z 3Z3, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890

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