All Theses/Dissertations Test

Test to retrieve complete lists of all Theses and Dissertations from the Department of Anthropology.


AND (full text) “Doctor of Philosophy”


AND (full text) “Master of Arts”

22 items show up in Graduate Theses & Dissertations, Thesis Program: Anthropology, with neither “Master of Arts” nor “Doctor of Philosophy” appearing in their full text.

NOT (full text) “Master of Arts”, NOT (full text) “Doctor of Philosophy”

As of 9 January 2013, there are 469 results for a search of Graduate Theses & Dissertations, Thesis Program: Anthropology.  The searches used to create the feeds for PhD, MA, and neither MA nor PhD, produced 118, 333, and 22 items respectively.  This is a total of 473 items.  A search for overlap identifies 4 items which have both phrases in their full text.


This is the problem with using full text search as a substitute for metadata.  Sometimes you get an overlap, when a PhD dissertation is talking about people who have a Master of Arts degree, as in Begum’s dissertation.

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